- Training Centre Network on 3D and VR -


TRACENET (Training Centre Network on 3D and VR) is an interdisciplinary and collaborative EU project linked to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, a system established in 2001 for coordinating rescue and humanitarian assistance in the event of natural and man-made disasters whose scale or nature exceeds the response capabilities of the affected country.

TRACENET wants to develop a civil protection training centre network, with the support of a scientific institution, to offer geospatial technologies and innovations for prevention, preparedness and response, to support policy and decision-making, to encourage scientific excellence and to disseminate and exchange state-of-the-art knowledge and expertise. Within TRACENET, planners, decision makers, experts, teams and civil protection modules will jointly operate, test and learn from each other. 

In particular, TRACENET will develop an innovative framework, based on geospatial data, Virtual Reality (VR) solutions and online collaborations in 3D environments to allow simulation scenarios and countless opportunities to build expertise, share knowledge and establish remote but real contacts among participants.

The project has received funding from the Union Civil Protection Mechanism - call Network Partnership (UCPM-2022-KN) under the Grant Agreement no 101101703. TRACENET will run for 27 months (Project duration: January 2023 - March 2025) and its partnership involves 5 partners from 3 EU Member States (Austria, Italy, Portugal)